Friday, January 28, 2011

1/31 to 2/4

Monday 1/31:
1. Binder Reminders
2. Word Parts Quiz
3. Review Flowers for Algernon Quizzes
4. New Word Parts
HW: Study your vocab

Tuesday 2/1:
1. Journals
2. Word Parts
3. Flowers for Algernon
HW: Study your vocab

Wednesday 2/2:
1. Journals
2. Word Parts
3. Functional Documents
HW: Bring an example of a "Functional Document" from home.

Thursday 2/3:
1. Journals
2. Word Parts
3. Funtional Documents
HW: Study for your QUIZ Monday; Functional Documents TEST tomorrow.

Friday 2/4:
1. Functional Documents Test
2. Flowers for Algernon

Monday, January 24, 2011

For today's journal, please write a paragraph describing the best and worst parts of your weekend. Thank you!

Remember to do this AFTER your calendar! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

1/24 to 1/28

Monday 1/24:
1. BR/Calendars
2. Vocabulary/word parts
3. Flowers for Algernon
HW: Study your vocab/word parts!

Tuesday 1/25:
1. Journals
2. Study word parts
3. Flowers for Algernon
HW: Study your vocab/word parts!

Wednesday 1/26:
1. Journals
2. Flowers for Algernon
HW: Study your vocab/word parts! Quiz MONDAY, JANUARY 31.

Thursday 1/27:
1. Journals
2. Flowers for Algernon
HW: Study your vocab/word parts! Quiz MONDAY, JANUARY 31.

Friday 1/28:

Friday, January 14, 2011

1/18 to 1/21


Tuesday 1/18:
1. BR/Journals
2. Pronouns
3. Continue "Flowers for Algernon"
HW: Study your grammar/vocab

Wednesday 1/19:
1. Journals
2. Pronouns
3. Continue "Flowers for Algernon"
HW: Grammar/vocab

Thursday 1/20:
1. Journals
2. Adjectives/Adverbs
3. Continue "Flowers for Algernon"
4. Adjective/Adverb Hunt
HW: Adjective/Adverb Hunt

Friday 1/21:
1. Journals
2. Grammar QUIZ
3. Continue "Flowers for Algernon"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Computer Lab 1/12/11

1. Take the yearbook online survey. It's under "Favorites." The code is 2011abc.

2. Leave a comment below answering the following questions:

How does the WRITING in "Flowers for Algernon" show that Charlie Gordon has a low IQ? What writing traits does the writer manipulate to SHOW, rather than TELL us this?

Is it okay for doctors to operate on your brain if they think you're not very smart?

Don't forget to SIGN your blog comment with your FIRST name and your ID number. Remember, you will earn full credit for writing in complete sentences and using capitalization and punctuation. The writing traits you're practicing today are IDEAS and CONVENTIONS.

3. Finish your Subject Pronouns worksheet COMPLETELY. DUE TOMORROW.

4. When you've finished #1 and #2 above, work in Plato at your own pace.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Get out your pronouns worksheet from yesterday (Subject Pronouns).

Friday, January 7, 2011

Flowers for Algernon Prewriting

Everybody is different in some way. Some people speak with a noticeable accent. Others wear unusual clothes. Sometimes people make fun of those who are different. How would you respond to the following statements?

"Your hair looks weird that way."
"We can tell you're new around here."
"What are you; some kind of dummy?"
"Where are you from, anyway?"

Have you ever been in a situation when you felt OUTSIDE of the group, or different in some way? OR . . . have you ever been in a situation when you were an INSIDER, and you were all ganging up on an OUTSIDER?

1/7/11 Journal

Get out your journals. Write down the titles of ten books, movies, or tv shows you know.

1/10 to 1/14

Monday 1/10:
1. Journals
2. Grammar: Pronouns
3. Start Flowers for Algernon
HW: Be ready to dance tomorrow. No joke.

Tuesday 1/11:
1. Journals
2. Grammar: Pronouns
3. Review Dance
4. Continue Flowers for Algernon
HW: Finish Pronouns Worksheet

Wednesday 1/12:
1. Blog Comment/Journal
2. Survey
3. Flowers for Algernon Response to Literature Writing
HW: Finish your R to L if you haven't already!

Thursday 1/13:
1. Journals
2. Grammar: Pronouns
3. Response to Lit Writing
4. Flowers for Algernon
HW: Study for your PRONOUNS quiz tomorrow!

Friday 1/14:
1. Journals
2. Grammar QUIZ
3. Correct Quiz
4. Flowers for Algernon

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello all you Elmo fans.

For today's journal, I'd like you to write a short story beginning with this line:

"The first thing I noticed when I walked into my room was the smell of peanut butter . . . "

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Computer Lab

Today in the computer lab:
1. Complete THIS SURVEY about our January learning targets.
2. Leave a comment below answering the following question: Do you like learning using the Internet, blogs, webpages, and web surveys? Please write in complete sentences.
3. Finish your NYR FD using the directions you will find here. DUE TOMORROW. IF YOU DO NOT FINISH IT THIS CLASS PERIOD, FINISH IT TONIGHT FOR HW.
4. Work in Plato at your own pace.
5. When Mrs. H. asks you to, complete the poll about The Outsiders.

Anti-Pronouns Play

Orange Flower named HAYES
Pink Furry Bug named CHASE

HAYES: Oh! Hayes smells so sweet! How nice my life is, being Hayes and being a beautiful orange flower! Hayes shall sit here, growing up toward the sun, hoping no bugs shall eat Hayes!


HAYES: Oh, terror! Please, please, please, please, please do not eat poor Hayes the Orange Flower! Please, Hayes will spit on you! Hayes will wrap Chase up in Hayes's long green stem and Hayes will strangle Chase!

CHASE: Chase the Pink Furry Bug would like to see Hayes the Orange flower try!

HAYES: Oh, snap! Here Hayes comes!

CHASE: Chase will fly away! Chase notices that Hayes has no wings with which to pursue!

HAYES: Dang.

Pronouns Journals

In English, we've come up with these lovely little words called PRONOUNS. Pronouns are NOT nouns, they REPLACE nouns. We use them when we want to shorten a sentence and to avoid sounding repetitive.

A Paragraph WITHOUT Pronouns:
Mrs. Hislop went for a walk yesterday. Mrs. Hislop saw some nice houses. Mrs. Hislop liked the nice houses. Mrs. Hislop wondered about the people who lived in the nice houses. Where did the people work? What were the people's names? Would Mrs. Hislop ever meet the people? Mrs. Hislop is sounding like Dr. Seuss right now.

A Paragraph WITH Pronouns:
Mrs. Hislop went for a walk yesterday. She saw some nice houses. She liked them. She wondered about the people who lived there. Where did they work? What were their names? Would she ever meet them? She is NO LONGER SOUNDING LIKE him.

New Year's Resolutions

Day One: Prewriting

Day Two: Rough Draft
--Read back over the prewriting you completed last night.
--Using your prewriting as a guide, make a list of 3-5 resolutions you would like to work on in the new year. Remember, make your resolutions achievable.
--When you are done with your resolutions, make sure Mrs. Hislop checks them for spelling/grammar errors.

Day Three: Final Draft (Computer Lab or HW)
--MLA Format
--Typed or handwritten in blue or black ink
--You can use a CUTE FONT if you want to and make it larger than 12 point
--Include a picture of yourself for a few points EXTRA CREDIT
--Due THURSDAY at the beginning of the period

Examples: (We will read these in class and decide which are good, better, best.)

--In 2011, I will never bother my brother, not ever, ever, ever.

--Not play video games for ten hours a night.

--In 2011, I resolve to turn in as many assignments as I can, and to ask my teachers when I need help.

--In 2011, I resolve to treat my brother a little better.

--In 2011, I resolve to treat my brother a little better by sharing my video games, helping him pick up his toys, and kicking him a little more gently.

--In 2011, I will have fun and stuff.

--I will go out with ten girls in 2011.