Monday, May 13, 2013

Good Morning!

Find the play in your textbook.  Find what you think, so far, is the MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF DIALOGUE.  Then:

1.  Write it down in your quickwrites.
2.  Paraphrase it (put it in your own words).
3.  Write 1-2 paragraphs explaining why it is important.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

5/9/13 Review Discussion

With your partner, discuss the significance of these moments:

1. “lone wolf” (457)

2. Peter and Anne take off Stars of David (458)

3. “no walls, no bolts, no locks” (459)

4. Mrs. Van Daan teasing Anne and Peter (464)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Quick Write 5/7/13

Using a bulleted LIST, recall 5-7 FACTS you have learned about Anne Frank, WW2, or the Holocaust.  If you have prior knowledge about this time in history, you may include that information, as well. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

PAges 444-445 4th Period Summary/Notes

A. An Astonishing Gift

    1. After the World War, Otto Frank returned to Amsterdam in 1945 and read his daughter’s diary about the war.


B. Born into Danger

    1. Although the Franks were German citizens, they faced persecution from the Nazis because they were Jews

    2. After World War 1, the Nazi Party came to power, led by Adolf Hitler, and blamed the Jews for Germany’s problems. Their attempt to eliminate the Jews was later called the Holocaust.

    3. In 1933, the Frank family moved to the Netherlands to get away from Hitler, but later, in 1940, Hitler invaded, and they were trapped.


C. A Life in Hiding

    1. The Franks and the Van Pels hid for about two years, and Mr. Frank’s colleagues helped them by bringing them food and books.


D. Discovery and Death

    1. .

Pages 444-445 Summary 1st Period/Notes

A. An Astonishing Gift

1. After Anne died, Otto Frank went back to Amsterdam in 1945, found Anne’s diary, and read it.  It showed Anne’s point of view during their hiding in the Secret Annex.


B. Born Into Danger

1. In 1929, Anne, a Jewish girl, was born in Germany, a country that persecuted all Jews.

2. Adolf Hitler led the Nazis after Germany’s defeat in World War 1, he blames the Jews, Communists, & Gypsies. Eventually, he started killing millions of people.

3. When Hitler came into power Otto Frank moved to the Netherlands, later his family joined him, but in 1940 Germans invaded the Netherlands.

C. A Life in Hiding


D. Discovery and Death




