Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Computer Lab 11/5/13 and Plans for 11/4 to 11/8

First, write down this week's HW in your Binder Reminders or calendars.

Next, finish your rough draft.  If you finish your rough draft, make sure you have it in PERFECT MLA format.  If you need help with MLA format, you can use this website:

If you are waiting for Mrs. Hislop or a peer to edit your paper, please do a good deed and earn some rice for hungry people by quizzing on www.freerice.com OR take a chance to take an AR quiz.

Please write down these important due dates:
Friday 11/8:  Final Draft DUE
Friday 11/15: Vocab Quiz

Monday 11/4:
1.  Base Words and Suffixes Vocab
2.  Work on Rough Drafts
HW: Rough Draft

Tuesday 11/5:
Computer Lab!
1.  Finish/Edit Rough Draft
2.  MLA Format
3.  Print and Peer Edit/Teacher Edit
4.  Start Final Draft
HW: Study your vocab; work on final draft

Wednesday 11/6:
1.  Peer Edit in Groups
2.  AR
HW: Study your vocab; work on final draft

Thursday 11/7:
Computer Lab!
1.  Finish Final Drafts
2.  Study Vocab
HW: Study vocab; AR

Friday 11/8:
1.  Start Group Projects
2.  5 Languages of Love Quiz
HW: Group Project

Friday, November 1, 2013

Do you need help? OK! Here you go!

Consider structuring your essay in the following way:
Introduction (Opening Paragraph)
1.       Engaging opener and lead-in sentence
2.       Introduce the author and title of book
3.       Briefly summarize the book
4.       Clear thesis statement

Body Paragraphs (at least 3):
1.       Begin with topic sentences that relate back to the thesis statement in some way
2.       Contain at least one piece of textual evidence that is smoothly integrated into the paragraph
3.       Explain the context of the textual evidence
4.       Contain at least two sentences of insightful commentary that shares a thought-provoking perspective and
supports/proves the thesis statement.  If you have personal examples that relate to the textual evidence, this
would be the place to include them.

Conclusion should:
1.       Summarize the content of the essay
2.       Restate the thesis statement in a new/different way
Computer Lab!

1.  FINISH your rough draft. 

2.  If you FINISH your rough draft, print it out and give it to me to edit.

3.  After you do those things, you can read this awesome article, which fits with today's holiday: Dia de los Muertos.  http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/history/2013/10/meet-the-fantastically-bejeweled-skeletons-of-catholicisms-forgotten-martyrs/

4.  All done? www.freerice.com!